The Western Arctic Caribou Herd WACH is awsome, and its comming to this village SOON.
Hopefully Ill get back in motion with a resupply of parts we traded a scrimshaw for , to a taecher 'round here.
Caribou are southbound, and comming through at the end of this month , but for now the lead Cows are blazing trails that others will follow, and I will hunt..... a huge hunt I cant wait for , so the bro inlaw and I are building storage racks outside in anticipation...........
I just love the intense, quick, high yeild hunt that plays out like it has for thousands of years......
Nets kept us fed, and with variety.
Itook some cool vids boating and checking net.......I gotta make smaller vids, like a minute or so....maby I make them too long? The net checking was cool, Carol filmed with her 8 year old comments and all ~~LOL!!~~ Ill see if I can edit them down to smaller segments next time, as I guess thats the problem here......
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Boiled Whitefish with eggs and innerd's
Been fishing and moving about, mostly spotting and killing a few trees (They run so fast) for firewoods for winter. Just gotta hope some other fellas don't get to end first.
Dry standing , they will be great to go at the end of November when the ice is thick enough.
The prop tooka dump by disentigrating the thrush washer and eating into my driveshaft holder. ~~LOL!!~~ More parts....
Thinking about it, I need a chainsaw. All this ax work is for young men..........
Great picture in the midnight sun!